Why (government) surveillance is a bad thing

Imagine what could happen, if: Master-Keys Access to Databases Tools for wiretapping technically everyone Tools for locating targeted people Private Data ... etc.... would be in the hands of an enemy force? Well...  read the news, it actually happened: https://theintercept.com/2021/08/17/afghanistan-taliban-military-biometrics/ As of recent, the americans (and with them all involve...
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Der Unterschied zwischen Österreich und der EU?

Wie im letzten Artikel bereits beschrieben versuchen diverse Geheimdienste innerhalb der EU starke Verschlüsselung auszuhebeln, indem ein Backdoor eingebaut werden soll. Kasachstan versucht das ebenfalls - allerdings mit einem (technisch) sehr viel weniger perfiden Verfahren: Kasachstan versucht erneut, sichere Verbindungen zu torpedieren Der Aufschrei innerhalb der EU ist gross - und ehrlich g...
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Gebratene Tauben für die Geheimdienste dieser Welt

Es ist mal wieder soweit: Im Windschatten der Terror-Anschläge von Wien im November diesen Jahres liessen die Geheimdienste in Europa keine Zeit verstreichen um mal wieder die Debatte um Verschlüsselung, respektive die Umgehung derselben für staatliche Dienste, neu anzuschieben. Wie Heise unter https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/EU-Regierungen-planen-Verbot-sicherer-Verschluesselung-4951415.html be...
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SRF & IT Security…

One of our valued Customers was so nice to send this in (Thank you very much!!) User & Password clearly visible... Sure thing, SRF does adhere to the highest standards in IT Security (NOT) Sorry, but this is just in every way a bad example. If you have standard passwords... stick them somewhere where nobody can get them - especially when you know that there are tons of people with camer...
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Current Lockdown Status in Switzerland (CORONA-Crisis)

PREFACE The recent weeks have been dominated by the Corona-Crisis all over Europe. As Switzerland lies in the middle of the Continent it hasn't been a question of «if» we are going to be shut down. The question clearly was: when. This page is to keep you informed on current topics (we will update this page as time permits). Sunday, April 26th, 2207LT <RANT> Remember: Those are the people w...
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Firefox, WTF?

Problem: As of today, 00:00hrs, Firefox plugins are no longer working. Proof: Start Firefox, surf to a News Advertising Website and - oups? What the....?! Links: Here, here, on Reddit, and on heise.de. Honestly... I do like the fact that firefox checks for its certificates and has signed add-ons. What I absolutely hate is the fact that: Nobody at firefox cared about the validity period...
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