Transmission 2.90 – Huckepack Ransomware für Mac OS X

SECURITY ALERT Eigentlich haben wir uns fast schon gewundert, dass es so lange dauert bis etwas passiert.... Palo Alto Networks (deutsche Infoseite: Heise Newsticker) warnt vor einem neuen Erpresser-Trojaner, welcher die Daten von Mac OS Nutzern verschlüsselt. Die Infektion betrifft primär Benutzer, welche die Open-Source Freeware Transmission, Version 2.90, (hier absichtlich kein Link...) ...
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Warum Macros nicht in Office-Dokumente gehören

Wir haben als Mailserver-Betreiber immer wieder das Problem, dass wir einerseits ein möglichst sicheres System haben wollen - andererseits die Benutzer nicht unnötig einschränken wollen. Was uns allerdings schon seit Jahren ein Dorn im Auge ist: Macros in Office Dokumenten Irgendwie scheinen gewisse User sich einen Sport daraus zu machen, in Excel grundsätlich nur noch mit Macros zu arbeiten...
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Cisco ASA Software IKEv1/v2 Buffer Overflow

Cisco has released a Security Advisory for it's ASA Firewall Line of Products: CVE-2016-1287 Criticality: HIGH Status: ACTIVELY USED Workarounds: N/A Recommended Action: Update as soon as possible (Cisco Software Download Link)   Affected Systems: Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances Cisco ASA 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewalls Cisco ASA Se...
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GPGTools im Tages-Anzeiger!

Lesenswert: Herr Schüssler erklärt Mail-Verschlüsselung und GPGTools: Mailen ohne dass die NSA mitliest Es freut uns ausserordentlich, dass GPGTools offensichtlich "angekommen" ist.
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MacKeeper – He who lies once is not to be believed twice

We have been writing about Scareware (especially: MacKeeper) in the past. And no, it's not really news that MacKeeper has been forced to refund customers in the US because the software simply is not holding what it is promising. Worse: We have seen several security leaks (or even entry doors) into MacKeeper in the past. Every time this happened, Kromtech (the owner / developer of MacKeeper) ...
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Features without a clue – why privacy matters

This article is a bit special because it is not directly linked to computer security in a way most people understand it. Since more and more devices are connected to the internet I feel it's about time to write an article about something most of us use without too much caution. And writing about a fridge gone berserk is not something I feel most people would listen up.... But now, some gu...
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Hack the hacking Hacker

They know that we know that they know what they shouldn't know. Basically, Malware is always a threat. There are two types of malware providers: Those who do it for money and those who do it for big money. In between are those, who want to do big money but are afraid to get caught by the police. Solution to this dilemma? Well, sell the software to the police as "security tool" to allow supervis...
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Scareware with addon functionality for the really bad guys

According to Heise Security, MacKeeper (a well known Scareware Product) has a security problem that is being actively exploited by malware. This signifies in short: People who think they do something useful when installing MacKeeper end up having an even less secure device. Well done, MacKeeper.
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LastPass – The passwords will last. The Security didn’t.

In general, password databases are something very useful. How else would we be able to remember all the passwords we have chosen over past. And, in addition, how on earth would we be able to remember that password we only use any other year. But where to put them? As we all know, (even password protected) Excel Sheets are a no-go. There are a bunch of really cool applications out there like Kee...
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