NORAD SANTA – official Logo

In contrary to the (otherwise) quite serious topics we post on our Newsticker, this time it’s completely off-topic and has no (well: almost no) connection to what we do all day long:

As every year since 1955, NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defense Command is tracking Santa along his way around the world).

What has, back in 1955, been unintentionally started due to a typo has become a yearly event and some kind of a cult.

The tracker will be life on Dec. 24th 2017 but the information shown at current is quite funny already, as we think…

Have Fun & enjoy:

We wish all our Customers, Partners, Employees a miraculous Advent. We hope all of you will find some time to relax, eat Cookies, enjoy yourself and your Families & Friends.

It’s been a great year working with all of you!

Thanks a lot!